Manaia Witoko

Kia Ora, I am Manaia Witoko and I am about to graduate with my Bachelors in Design majoring in Communication Design.
“I want to make beautiful things, even if nobody cares.” - Saul Bass.
My passion for Design stemmed from my High School teacher who believed design is in everything and design is everything. Studying at the University of Waikato has taught me so much about myself, the way I design and how design has influenced the world. Over the 3 years I have studied here, I’ve been able to strengthen and get more insight on the areas of design that I am passionate about which are Motion Graphics, Print Design and UX Design. If I could go back and say anything to the 17-year old version of me who was doubting picking a Graphic Design Degree over a Music Degree, I would tell her that she made the right choice and that she made it.
According to the UN Environment Programme, “The world’s cities occupy just 3 percent of the Earth’s land, but account for 60-80 percent of energy consumption and 75 percent of carbon emissions.” and in New Zealand, according to the New Zealand’s Energy savers mix, “60% of our energy comes from fossil fuels.” My goal with the Capstone Project was to bring awareness and more focus to this problem and create a solution to help cut down on the amount of energy we use a day. Which is why I created Rebel.
Rebel is an energy saving brand that is aimed at 17-18 year olds that are living in the halls of residence or on their own for the first time.
Since Gen Z is my target audience, I wanted to create content that would best suit them and that would capture their attention. So, I created reminders/tips on how to save energy as well as saving extra money through a series of posters, stickers, magazine spreads and social media content. Since the younger generation are our future, targeting them will make an impact for our civilisation later down the road.
“Rebel against extinction” – Roger Hallam, Gail Bradbrook.