Our World Heritage Is In Danger
Gracie Manktelow

Hey! I’m Gracie Manktelow and I will be graduating with a Bachelor of Design, majoring in Communication Design at the end of this year. I always excelled in the creative topics in high school, so I knew I had to follow a creative pathway.
While I was at high school, I would spend hours drawing, painting and also creating digital illustrations. I knew I wanted to work in a creative field when I did a Graphic Design class in year 12. I did my research and I knew I wanted to be a part of a university that had a great culture and that I would fit into. Waikato University was the best place for me and enabled me to strengthen my abilities and gave me the courage to start my own design business. Through my time at Waikato I have learnt a lot about the different aspects of design, and I have found that my strengths align with print design and also social media. Everything I have learned about the design world has been thanks to Waikato university, it has allowed me to be where I am today, in my dream job before graduating.
Currently there are over 200 natural and cultural world heritage sites and over ¼ of them are in danger. These sites are providing many people with jobs and also water. Our world heritage sites are under an insane amount of pressure from pollution, tourist development, war, and much more. Drastic changes need to be made if there is any hope of saving these heritage sites.
This information is what has inspired me to create a project that addresses the current problem when it comes to our heritage sites. I have chosen to create a series of posters, large format designs, and a website in the hopes of educating people about this issue. The heritage sites I have chosen are the Great Barrier reef, The Rock art sites of Tadart Acacus, and Rapanui National Park. I have chosen these three heritage sites because they are very well known, however, I don’t think people realise they are in danger.