Georgia Addis

Hello! I am Georgia Addis. I am currently studying at the University of Waikato completing a Bachelor of Design, majoring in Communication Design with a minor in marketing. I am set to complete my studies in December 2020. Ever since I was young I have loved design and thought Waikato would be the perfect place for me to study as I loved how central Hamilton was to a lot of other places.
Thanks to Waikato University I have been able to expand my design skills immensely and gain the required skills to help me succeed in my dream job. Over my past three years here I have been able to really narrow down my passions and areas of interest which are graphic design (branding print etc.) and UX/UI design.
Sprout is an organization created to help reduce air pollution in New Zealand and also help with global warming. To do this our main goal is to create more green spaces in cities and plant more trees in the more rural areas.
To achieve this Sprout is holding volunteer events all over the country where people can come down and help save our planet by planting trees. The aim of each Sprout event is to encourage families to make a change. To achieve this goal each Sprout event will host games, food stalls, small rides and more to draw in the families and the younger audience (creating a fun day of activities that families want to be a part of). Sprout wants to involve children, encouraging them to consider the environment. After all, they are the ones that the future will impact and by starting at a young age they are more likely to grow up with these values. These events also encourage community involvement.
Sprout also offers an application offering users plants/ trees at discounted prices, aiming to encourage homeowners to plant trees, thus reducing air pollution etc. Proceeds from the app will also support the volunteer events.
I have also created a series of posters to advertise the community events and encourage people to download the app. Together with social media advertising eg, Instagram, I can spread awareness and get the message out to my target audience.