Ashleigh Wallbank

I have always loved coding and seeing what I can bring to life with code. I am passionate about coding and have done it since high school. I also enjoy art and creating things, and wanted to bring both of those things closer together. Design did this for me. I have a passion for UX/UI design and even though I haven't done much design work I love how much I have learned and want to keep on learning as much as possible throughout my life and career.
Project Description
ECOINTETNT is a web app prototype that provides accurate information, news, and solutions for consumers about the environment and what their part is and what they can do.
These days there are so many websites and news sites that detail everything that's bad, which only serves to make people upset, or they are selling something and want people to buy their products. ECOINTENT is here to solve these issues and provide consumers with the truth and the facts of what they can do, not just buy our product because it helps the environment.
ECOINTENT provides information on plastic, recycling, carbon footprint, and food miles, as well as ways to reduce these things such as eating in season fruits and veggies, recycling properly to your region and area, and more.