
I study Computer Graphic Design at the University of Waikato. I have always been known for being very creative growing up, so studying computer graphic design was a no brainer. I am interested in branding and motion graphics and would like to further my education into video game design.

Project Description

The words ‘coffee run’ is music to the ears of any office worker, but they are not always easy to get right. Peter forgets his co-worker’s orders and makes mistakes. Shelly did not receive her Grande, iced, sugar-free, vanilla latte with soy milk. And, Gerald still has not been paid for the coffees from last week.

Coffeez is a mobile app that makes coffee runs easier. Users can create a coffee run for their favourite cafe, and their officemates are notified so that no one misses out. Users customise their coffee order in the app, so no mistakes are made. Coffeez takes payments individually, so there is no money chasing, and the office coffee can be collected without having to wait in line.

Coffeez - Te Nawe Ngatai