
Jason Juwono

Applications AR + VR

You just bought your first professional DSLR camera, but have no idea how to use it? Now you are wondering whether this purchase was a waste or not. Introducing, Fotool, the one app that any photographers from beginners to professionals need. Fotool brings three powerful features, Location, Fotool and Gear. Location helps photographers find the best and most interesting places to shoot, giving the freedom for our photographers to choose with our broad and community-driven map. Fotool is the main feature of this app, Fotool has the most powerful AR camera that calculates the light in the current environment, which then translates and provide the photographers with the best shutter speed, iso, aperture and exposure setting. Lastly, the Gear section allows photographers to see and share their captured images to the best photography community. Stop being a beginner, instead let Fotool transform you into the best photographer you will ever be. Use your DSLR to its full potential.